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Health Benefits From Smiling


Good Feelings
Smiling can lift your spirits. A study conducted by the British Dental Health Foundation showed the act of smiling to dramatically improve one’s mood. Dr. Nigel Carter, foundation CEO, stated “We have long been drawing attention to the fact that smiling increases happiness both in yourself and those around you, so it is good to receive the backing of this scientific research. A healthy smile can improve your confidence, help you make friends and help you to succeed in your career.”

Affect on Others
People who smile more often have a more positive effect on their environment, and are better received by others. Smiling can even affect the way one person is recieved by another over the phone.”When we listen to people speaking, we may be picking up on all sorts of cues, even unconsciously, which help us to interpret the speaker.”

Stress Relief
Smiling may help to reduce symptoms associated with anxiety. “If you can slow your breathing down and change your expression, you may be able to turn around the stress cascade.” Chronic stress does significant damage to to the body and mind. Reducing stress may lower blood pressure, improve digestion, regulate blood sugar and curb neurotic reactions brought on by prolonged anxiety.


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